Part 108: Searching the Home

Louie runs off.

Music: Monochrome

Remember this door? Where I said it lead to the office? I was wrong. Turns out it leads to the second part of the room. Oops.

Music: Straight Chaser

Light He's got a light above the mirror.
Mirror Hey, now there's a handsome devil.
Bottles It's a bottle of shampoo.
Sink Sink's nice and shiny, Dunning sure is a neat freak.
Towels Clean towels. Nice.
Tissue It's toilet paper. Bet the old boy's got some nice two-ply stuff in here.
Toilet That's the cleanest toilet I've ever seen. Rosa must scrub in here, too.
Curtain There's a shower curtain around the tub.
Bathtub Tub's clean enough to eat off of. ...That's gross, Hyde.

Lamp Got a little lamp here, too. All the comforts of home.
Shelf There's a shelf next to the bed.
Phone There's a phone on the shelf. I wonder if he ever calls anyone.
Bed Dunning's bed. Bet it's not as lumpy as the one in my room.
Curtains Curtains are closed. Guess he doesn't want anyone peeking in the window.

Bookshelf It's a big bookshelf.
Right clippings There are a lot of newspaper clippings on the wall in front of the desk.
Left clippings There are magazine and newspaper clippings on the wall next to the desk.
Lamp It's a desk lamp.
Chair There's an upholstered chair in front of the desk.
Top drawer There's something in the drawer here.

Cards There's a bunch of birthday cards in the drawer.

Bottom drawer There's nothing in the drawer.
Picture It's a picture of Dunning and a young girl.
Tools Looks like some kind of wood carving.
Table It's a small work desk.
Books There are some books stacked up on the desk.
Newspaper/brochure There's a newspaper article/brochure on the table.

Zoomed-in newspaper The date on the paper is 1972. ...That's seven years ago.

Zoomed-in brochure There's a hotel brochure on top of the desk.

We actually saw the old brochure back in Rosa's room. She probably got it from Mila, which is where her deduction come from. Let's take a moment to look at our items.
Music: So Noted

Music: Monochrome
I'm just showing this since this chapter is almost over. Once we get out...